Technical Services (world-wide)

As technical service provider we perform the project management, installation and maintenance of all radio devices and attached optional parts world-wide, at any place in the world, excepted are rogue states, such as North Korea, Cuba or Iran. (Accordingly to the List of Rogue States of the US State Department)
Especially we are configuring your Winlink, Sailmail or Global Link Network-System directly on board of your vessel or at any other place of deployment - word-wide!
In order to do so, we are available at our locations in Hamburg, Kiel, Las Palmas or Hong Kong; additionally our cooperation partners at other locations in the world are available as well.
Usually we will arrive within 48 hours at the place of installation, regardless whether on board of a vessel or a refugee-camp, an embassy or an offshore facility (provided on availability of means of transportation)
Failures will be removed and your system will be taken back to operation - if necessary, defective parts or components will be exchanged directly on the spot.
For that reason we will try to find the source of a failure in the framework of a verbal support/technical discussion, before starting a technical mission.
Thereupon we will coordinate a possible following technical mission with your departments in charge. We will not leave you out in the cold - neither within or outside the time of warranty.

Authorized Dealer