Marine and Land Mobile Radio VHF/UHF (LOS)
Local or line of sight (LOS) communication for ranges up to 50km/27 NM represents the largest field of radiocommunication, which can be met virtually at any place in our daily life. Whether Police, Security, Fire/Rescue Services or in the shipping, aeronautical or industrial sector just to name a few - they all make use of LOS communication devices.
Therefore we offer a wide range of radio telephones and systems of different makes and models of well-known manufacturers for LOS communication.
In particular we can provide solutions for various applications, such as
- Police and Security
- Fire Departments
- Rescue and Civil Defense
- Event Agencies
- Marine and Shipborne Communication
- Port Facilities
- Development Aid and Humanitary Organizations
- Hunting and Forestry, Park Rangers
- Hotel and Tourism Industry
- Airports
- Transportation and Logistic
Whether in analog or in the new uprising digital voice modes - we have the fitting solution for you!
On the following links you will find end-user units such as hand-held and vehicular transceivers, as well repeater stations for enhancement of the coverage in a given area or within a large building.
The below listed products are representing just a small example of available solutions we can offer!
We can offer products from well known manufacturers such as Motorola, Zodiac, Icom, Rohde & Schwarz uvm.
If you should look for something, what is not listed here, so please talk to us!
I. Land Mobile Radio (LMR)
1. Handy-Talkies/Hand-Held Transceivers - HTs
Hand-held transceivers (handy talkies) are the solution for highly movable units, to be carried by a person, when outside a vehicle or base. HTs are nowadays very small but higly effective, allowing secured communication, single, group, all and distress calls, providing high channel capacity and short-messaging
Therefore we offer HTs for the 4m/2m/0,7m Land Mobile Radio (LMR) and also for Marine Mobile Service (MMS)

1.1. Zodiac
HT PL-80/100/400
# The entry-level model and our bestseller!
# A lot of features for below 300,00 EUR!
For the usual frequency bands 4m/2m/0,7m Land Mobil as well UHF Marine!
Special version for "Tactical Low Band", CB-Band and 10m/FM available (26...32 MHz)!
Single or multi-channel/network capable (up to 255 channels)
Simplex or semi-duplex,
5 Watts output power,
Includes all usual signalling systems (ZVEI, CCIR, EEA, EIA, PL, DPL) for alarm/distress, group and individual calling,
Distress push button
Analogue encryption-unit already installed
Akku (NiMH) and antenna incl.
Size comparable with a cigarette package
3 years warranty
1.2. HYT HFuG TC-780 (2m/0,7m)

The handheld radio of the advanced medium class
The HT TC-780 is a multi-channel handheld radio of the advanced medium class for deployments in the field of industry, public transport, events or within security and rescue units.
It has an affordable and reasonable price and offers a variety of solutions for plenty of deployments also for those with a low budget!
It was made by the same manufacturer like our high quality products for the new digital radio standard DMR and meets all requirements on a high level!
Available for the 2m/0,7m band (LMR/MMS)
Single or multi-channel/network capable (up to 256 channels)
Simplex or semi-duplex,
5 Watts output power,
Includes all usual signalling systems (MDC-1200/2400, ZVEI, CCIR, EEA, EIA, PL, DPL) for alarm/distress, group and individual calling,
Distress push button
Analog encryption unit (already included)
Lone worker/man-down-unit (optional)
Akku (NiMH) and antenna incl.

1.3. Tait
HT TP-8120 (2m/0,7m)
The hand-held transceiver of the top edge
For the time being only available for the 2m/0,7m band (LMR/MMS)
Single or multi-channel/network capable (up to 350 channels)
Simplex or semi-duplex,
5 Watts output power,
Includes all usual signalling systems (ZVEI, CCIR, EEA, EIA, PL, DPL) for alarm/distress, group and individual calling,
Distress push button
Lone worker/man-down-unit (optional)
Analog encryption-unit (optional)
Akku (NiMH) and antenna incl.
Also available as "Ex-Protection" version (e.g. for tankers, refineries)
2. Mobile and Fixed Radio Transceivers - RTs
Mobile radio transceivers are made for fixed installation inside a vehicle or at a base station. The functionality is identical with hand-held radios, except in regard of the possible output power, which is significantly higher and the use of an external antenna, which provides a better radiation. Therefore these transceivers are having a higher overall system efficiency.
For stationary, land-mobile or shipborne deployments we offer different radio transceivers for the Land Mobile Radio (LMR) or Marine Mobile Service (MMS) for 4m/2m/0,7m.
Some models (but not all) are listed below!
2.1. Zodiac
RT PL-80/100/400m
# The entry-level model and our bestseller!
# A lot of features for below 350,00 EUR!
For the usual frequency bands 4m/2m/0,7m Land Mobil as well UHF Marine!
Single or multi-channel/network capable (up to 255 channels)
Simplex or semi-duplex,
25 Watts output power,
Includes all usual signalling systems (ZVEI, CCIR, EEA, EIA, PL, DPL) for alarm/distress, group and individual calling,
Distress push button
Analogue encryption-unit already installed
3 years warranty

2.2. Tait
RT TM-8250/80 (4m) /160 (2m)
The durable and powerful RT TM8250 mobile radio is ideal for mobile units, which are in need of reliable on mission LOS commo.
Intuitive user interface
Large LCD display – 4 lines with 14 digits/letters of alpha-numerical text
User-friendly menue for easy navigation through the functionalities
Optional keypad-microphone for improved dialing of numerical sequences
Flexible communication
For the frequency bands 4m/2m/0,7m LMR or VHF/UHF MMS
Single or multi-channel/network capable (up to 1.500 channels)
Simplex or semi-duplex
Up to 25 Watt output power
Includes all usual signalling systems (ZVEI, CCIR, EEA, EIA, PL, DPL) for alarm/distress, group and individual calling,
Distress push button
Data transmission capable – support of 1200 Baud FFSK data
Internal high speed modem – softwareoption
Display and support of short messages by CCDI
Secured voice/encryption module (optional)
MDC-1200-code – callsign/ID transmission (softwareoption)
GPS direct connection and GPS display option
Opportunity to connect 2 control heads (user-interfaces)

FuG TM-8260
(Dual- band-radio for 4m and 2m)
One control head/user interface - 2 radios.
This model is recommended for operation centers or mission coordinating base-vehicles, which need to operate on 2 bands at the same time, but where space for 2 control heads is not available.
The radios will be installed in the trunk, whereas the control head is placed at the console in the driver´s cabin.
Specifications like RT TM-8250
3. Repeater Stations
For coverage enhancement of vehicular- and portable stations in the distance, as well within complex buildings and industrial facilities (e.g. shopping-centers, congress- and exhibition- centers, sport-arenas) for an interference free inhouse-coverage from the basement to the roof. Manned or unmanned operation, as well is possible. Full-duplex mode, by means of listening and talking at the same time, like telephone-style, is possible.
We offer a wide variety of repeater stations, fixed, movable or mobile solutions, we can provide the fitting solution, tailored for your deployment.
Below you will find some picturers of repeater installation examples.

(Movable repeater in a 19"-suitcase)

4. Optional Parts
We offer a wide variety of optional parts like battery-packs, chargers, microphones for special deployments, headsets, antennas and much more, which we cannot list here in a complete way, since it would blow up the pages.
If you are in need of such items, please place a short request.
II. Marine (MMS)
1. Handy-Talkies/Hand-Held Transceivers - HTs
2. Mobile and Fixed Radio Transceivers - RTs
2.1 Thrane/Sailor/SAM

- VHF RT-60xx
VHF Radio Telephone with DSC-Controller (ClassA), approved for SOLAS vessels and non-SOLAS vessels (Class D), also with ATIS for inland waterway operation.
All international and US/Canada-Marine Channels
100 Private Channels (Company Channels) available
National special channels (GB/NL) available 
25 Watt output power
Recording of the prevailing last transmission (Message Replay)
TFT-Display with 3 colors
Connector for up to 4 remote handsets
Connector for an optional remote alarm panel
Water resistance together with a remote handset and installed o-ring
Very small depth, Dimensions 241 (W), 107 (H), 94 (D)
Weight 1,5 kg
Product-Brochure (EN/US)
2.2. Navicom
VHF RT-650 (MOB)

VHF Marine Radio with DSC-Controller Classe D and ATIS, with AIS, Wireless Remote Control and MOB-Transmitter
Approval for non-SOLAS vessels (EU/FCC) and inland waterways
All international, US, Canada and WX channels
National special channels and private channels available
25 Watt output power
Also the radio has an embedded AIS receiver, a wireless remote controller and a MOB transmitter, to be worn like a watch on the wrist.
The additional installation of an AIS blackbox, a duplexer/antenna splitter and an additional VHF antenna for AIS therefore is not needed. Received AIS targets will be shown in the display of the radio. For a better view the radio can be connected with an external plotter/display by use of an NMEA data cable. All targets will be shown on the large display then, in so far they are transmitting AIS beacon signals.
The wireless remote controller allows the operation of the radio from any point inside or around the vessel by the user, meaning the performance of radio traffic, send and receive DSC messages, transmit distress alerts, as well change channels. Also intercom-communication among controllers is possible. The ranges is appr. 100m/300 ft.

The "Man Over Board" transmitter will be worn like a watch on the wrist. If the user falls into the sea and pushs the MOB button, an alarm will be transmitted at the radio. The alarm will also be transmitted, if the MOB transmitter exceeds a distance to the vessel for more than 50m/150 ft. Also a larger crew can be equipped with such MOB transmitters, due up to 16 units can be handled by the radio.
The MMSI and ATIS-Id. can be programmed by the user once, when he puts the radio into service.
Made in France!
Delivery includes:
- Navicom RT-650 VHF Marine Radio - Wireless Remote Control RY 650 with Belt Clip, Wrist Strap, Battery Pack, Charging Device - 1x MOB Transmitter with Charger Cable - Bracket for On-Shelf Mounting - Power Cable - Loudspeaker Cable (for connection of an external loudspeaker 8 Ohms) - Data Cable NMEA - Mounting Material - Manuals in German, English, French