Long Range Communication - HF/MF (BLOS)
For long range voice and/or data communication we offer shortwave (HF/MF) radio telephones of well-known manufacturers, which mainly are being deployed during international missions performed by Police, Security, Relief- and Disaster Management Organizations, Civil Defense and other NGOs in affected areas of disaster or political unrest, in industrial areas of developing countries with non-existing telecommunication infrastructure, scientific expeditions or on vessels and offshore facilities.
1 . Rohde & Schwarz
Information on that topic will follow!
2. Sailor/Thrane/SAM
The new HF-6000 HF/MF radio is released, which will come with 150/250 and 500 watts output power!

HF/MF-Radio the Marine Mobile Service (MMS) with DSC controller
EU-Type approval as primary radio on SOLAS or on non-SOLAS vessels. Also with FCC approval available!
Also approved as combined station in the Amateur Radio Service (AMS)!
Frequency range RX/TX: 1,6...30,0 MHz
150/250/500 Watts output power (depending on prevailing version)
ITU voice- and telex channels pre-programmed 
Automatic recording of the last transmission (Message Replay)
TFT-Display with 3 display colors
199 individual memories (frequencies)
Simplex and semi-duplex
40 addressbook-memories (stores names, MMSI and calling frequencies
VFO-Mode available
Connectors for printer (DSC messages) and external alarm panels
Connectivity for PTCs and ELSE!
3. Furuno
Information on that topic will follow!
4. Codan

As Codan system partner we offer full service on and all spare parts of the Codan NGT-Series!
Please be aware, that the full set is not available anymore, as it is discontinued.
Please take a look at the new Envoy
5. Icom
For small and recreational (non-SOLAS) vessels, as well for the Amateur Radio Service on board, there are affordable solutions of Icom available, which are being offered and distributed by our cooperation-partners (no distribution via ESD GmbH - Division of Radio & Data Systems in Germany). All radios can be used with our offered Pactor controllers and also with the ships server ELSE (except IC-78/718).
5.1. Marine Radios w/o DSC 
HF/MF-Radio the Marine Mobile Service (MMS)
Type approval as primary radio on non-SOLAS vessels or as secondary radio on SOLAS vessels for e.g. data applications (HF e-mail)
Also approved as combined station in the Amateur Radio Service (AMS)!
Frequency range RX/TX: 1,6...30,0 MHz
150 Watts output power
ITU voice- and telex channels pre-programmed
160 individual memories
Simplex and semi-duplex
VFO-Mode available
Connectivity for PTCs and ELSE!

HF/MF-Radio for Marine Mobile Service (MMS), Land Mobile Radio Service (LMR) and Amateur Radio Service (AMS)
(not for Marine under German Flag)
Frequency range RX/TX: 1,6...30,0 MHz
100 Watts output power
100 individual memories
Simplex and semi-duplex
VFO-Mode available
Connectivity only for PTCs, not for ELSE!
The above shown radio may be used on board of German vessels for Amateur Radio Service (AMS) only (e.g. for Winlink, Intermar), if the vessel is properly licensed for it, bears a special AMS call-sign and if the radio traffic is performed or supervised by a person, who is in possession of an AMS radio-certificate, issued by the German telecommunication regulator.
5.2. Marine Radios with DSC
HF/MF-Radio the Marine Mobile Service (MMS) with DSC controller
Type approval as primary radio on non-SOLAS vessels ("E"-version) or on SOLAS vessels ("GMDSS"-version)
Also approved as combined station in the Amateur Radio Service (AMS)!
Frequency range RX/TX: 1,6...30,0 MHz
150 Watts output power
ITU voice- and telex channels pre-programmed
160 individual memories
Simplex and semi-duplex
VFO-Mode available
Connectivity for PTCs and ELSE!
Some rest stocks still available!

HF/MF-Radio the Marine Mobile Service (MMS) with DSC controller
FCC type approval as primary radio on non-SOLAS vessels, in doubt please get advice from your telecommunication regulator!
BAKOM type approval for vessels under the Swiss flag!
Not for deployments under German/EU Flags or on EU territories, no EU type approval (CE)! No distribution within the EU!
Frequency range RX/TX: 1,6...30,0 MHz
150 Watts output power
ITU voice- and telex channels pre-programmed
160 individual memories
Simplex and semi-duplex
VFO-Mode available
Connectivities for PTCs and ELSE
The IC-M802 is NOT equivalent to the IC-M801E /GMDSS, but is completely a different machine instead!